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useContext vs useState


Updated: Jan 27

useContext vs useState

useContext vs useState

useContext vs useState: Managing state is a crucial aspect of building React applications. React provides different tools for state management, and among the most common are the useState hook and the React Context API. While both serve the purpose of managing state, they are designed for different use cases. Let’s explore the differences and when to use each, along with real-world examples.

What is useState in React?

The useState hook is a fundamental tool in React for managing local component state. It allows you to add state to functional components.

Key Characteristics:

  • State managed by useState is local to the component in which it is defined.

  • State updates trigger a re-render of the component where the state resides.

  • Ideal for managing simple, localized state.

Real-World Example with useState:

Imagine a Like Button in a social media app. Each post has its own like button, and the state for likes is independent of other posts.

import React, { useState } from "react";
function LikeButton() {
  const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0);
  return (
      onClick={() => setLikes(likes + 1)}
      className="p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded"
      👍 {likes} Likes
export default LikeButton;

In this example:

  • Each LikeButton component manages its own state (likes) using useState.

  • Updating the state in one LikeButton does not affect others.

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What is the React Context API?

The React Context API is used for sharing state across multiple components without prop drilling (passing data through multiple levels of components).

Key Characteristics:

  • Designed for global state management.

  • Useful for state that needs to be shared across many components (e.g., user authentication, themes, or settings).

  • Works by creating a context object that can be accessed by any component in the component tree.

Real-World Example with React Context API:

Imagine a Theme Switcher for a web application where the theme (dark or light) is shared across all components.

Step 1: Create the Context and Provider

import React, { createContext, useState } from "react";
// Create the context
export const ThemeContext = createContext();
// Theme provider component
export function ThemeProvider({ children }) {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState("light");
  const toggleTheme = () => {
    setTheme((prevTheme) => (prevTheme === "light" ? "dark" : "light"));
  return (
    <ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, toggleTheme }}>

Step 2: Consume the Context

import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { ThemeContext } from "./ThemeProvider";
function Navbar() {
  const { theme, toggleTheme } = useContext(ThemeContext);
  return (
    <div className={`p-4 ${theme === "light" ? "bg-white" : "bg-gray-800"}`}>
      <h1 className={theme === "light" ? "text-black" : "text-white"}>
        My App
      <button onClick={toggleTheme} className="ml-auto p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white">
        Toggle Theme
export default Navbar;

In this example:

  • The theme state is managed in the ThemeProvider and shared across all components in the tree.

  • Any component (like Navbar) can access and update the theme without prop drilling.

3. Key Differences



React Context API

Scope of State

Local to the component

Shared across multiple components

Use Case

Managing isolated, localized state

Sharing global state (themes, user data)

Performance Impact

Minimal; affects only the component

Can cause unnecessary re-renders if not optimized

Ease of Use

Easy to use and implement

Requires additional setup with context and providers

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When to Use useState vs React Context API

Use useState When:

  • The state is specific to a single component.

  • There’s no need to share state with other components.

  • Example: Form input values, toggles, or counters.

Use React Context API When:

  • State needs to be shared across multiple components.

  • Prop drilling becomes cumbersome or unmanageable.

  • Example: Global themes, authentication status, or app-wide settings.


While useState and React Context API are both state management tools, their purposes and applications differ significantly. useState is perfect for managing localized, component-specific state, whereas React Context API excels at sharing global state across a React application.

By understanding these differences and choosing the right tool for the job, you can create scalable and efficient React applications.


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