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ReactJS String Interpolation Examples for Beginners


Updated: Jan 20

ReactJS String Interpolation Examples for Beginners

ReactJS String Interpolation

ReactJS String Interpolation in JSX refers to embedding dynamic values or expressions inside JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, using curly braces {}. It allows developers to insert JavaScript expressions, variables, and function outputs directly into JSX code, making it highly dynamic and powerful.

How Interpolation Works in JSX

Embedding VariablesUse curly braces {} to insert variables into JSX:

const userName = "John";
const greeting = <h1>Hello, {userName}!</h1>;

Evaluating Expressions

Interpolation can evaluate JavaScript expressions like mathematical calculations:

const price = 50;
const tax = 0.1;
const total = <p>Total Price: ${price + price * tax}</p>;

Calling Functions

You can call JavaScript functions inside the curly braces:

const getGreeting = (name) => `Hello, ${name}`;
const element = <h2>{getGreeting("Jane")}</h2>;

Using Conditional Rendering Conditional logic can be embedded via ternary operators:

const isLoggedIn = true;
const message = <p>{isLoggedIn ? "Welcome Back!" : "Please Log In"}</p>;

Key Points to Note

  1. Dynamic Values: Interpolation is perfect for rendering dynamic data, such as user details fetched from an API.

  2. JavaScript Integration: Any valid JavaScript expression can be used within {}, but they must return a value.

  3. No Logic Statements: Control flow statements like if, for, or while cannot be used directly inside JSX; use ternary operators or array methods instead.

Benefits of Using Interpolation in JSX

  1. Readability: Simplifies the embedding of JavaScript within UI components.

  2. Dynamic Rendering: Enables components to react to changes in data or state.

  3. Code Reusability: Supports the integration of functions and reusable logic.

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Real-World Example: A Dynamic User Profile with JavaScript Functions in Interpolation

In this example, we'll call a JavaScript function inside curly braces to dynamically generate a message for the user based on their age. This demonstrates how to use functions in JSX interpolation to make your UI more dynamic.

import React from "react";
// Function to determine if a user is an adult
const checkAge = (age) => {
  return age >= 18 ? "Adult" : "Minor";
const UserProfile = ({ user }) => {
  return (
      <p>Age: {user.age} ({checkAge(user.age)})</p>  {/* Calling checkAge function inside curly braces */}
      <p>Email: {}</p>
      <p>Status: {user.isActive ? "Active" : "Inactive"}</p>
const App = () => {
  const user = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 25,
    email: "",
    isActive: true,
  return <UserProfile user={user} />;
export default App;


  1. Calling Functions in JSX: The checkAge function is called inside the curly braces {} in the JSX to dynamically display whether the user is an "Adult" or "Minor" based on their age. This function evaluates the user's age and returns the appropriate label.

  2. Dynamic Data: The function call is embedded directly within JSX, showing how you can perform operations and display the result in a React component dynamically.

  3. Benefit: This approach makes the component flexible, as the logic for determining the user’s age group is abstracted into a reusable function, which can be modified or expanded without changing the core JSX structure.

Why Use Functions in JSX?

  • Reusability: Functions allow you to encapsulate logic, making your components easier to maintain and modify.

  • Dynamic Rendering: Using functions within curly braces allows for more dynamic, computed content based on props or state.

  • Clean Code: Abstracting logic away from JSX elements keeps the code cleaner and more readable.


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