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How to Create ReactJS Project


Updated: Jan 30

How to Create ReactJS Project

How to Create ReactJS Project: Building a Fully Responsive Netflix Clone with React, Tailwind CSS, and React Context API

How to Create ReactJS Project: In this project, we’ll build and deploy a fully responsive movie application using React JS, styled with Tailwind CSS, powered by the React Context API and React Router DOM for state management and seamless navigation. This project focuses on creating a modern, fully responsive movie application that provides an engaging and seamless user experience across all devices. It features a clean, user-friendly interface powered by dynamic rendering and reusable components. The React Context API simplifies state management, ensuring efficient and organized data flow throughout the application. Tailwind CSS enables rapid styling with a responsive design-first approach, delivering visually appealing layouts optimized for both desktop and mobile users. We’ll integrate with the TMDB (The Movie Database) API to dynamically fetch and display movies and TV shows across various categories. Users will also be able to view detailed information about selected movies or TV shows and add them to their personal "My List" collection. Users can later remove movies or TV shows from their wish list, all managed using the React Context API.

Data and images sourced from TMDB (The Movie Database).

How to Create ReactJS Project

What You Will Learn?

Responsive Design

  • Fully optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices using Tailwind CSS.

Movie Browsing

  • Display movies by categories (e.g., Popular, Trending, Top Rated with integrated horizontal scroll for better navigation.

Dynamic Movie Details Page

  • Clickable movie cards that redirect to a detailed page with movie summaries, ratings, and release dates.

State Management with React Context API

  • Centralized state management for user preferences such as Wishlist​

Accessing Third-Party API

  • How to use fetch to dynamically retrieve and display movies and TV shows across various categories by integrating a third-party Movie Database API.

​Reusable Components

  • Modular and scalable React components for cards.

Custom Animations

  • Smooth transitions and hover effects powered by Tailwind CSS utilities. 

This project is an excellent opportunity to hone React development skills, understand state management with Context API, and leverage the power of Tailwind CSS to create professional, responsive applications.

Live Application Resources:

Install Plugins: Tailwind CSS IntelliSense, es7+ (ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets)

Create a React Project: Create a project folder "React" and open it in VS Code

Creating a Vite Project Using React -> Framework Guides -> Vite -> Using React -> Run the commands

> npm create vite@latest

> Projectname: react-car-rental-website

> Select a framework: React

> Select a variant: JavaScript

> cd react-car-rental-website

> npm install

> Run your build process with "npm run dev" -> http://localhost:5173/

Delete "App.CSS" & Remove everything from index.css files.

Installing Tailwind CSS: -> Framework Guides -> Vite -> Using React -> Run the commands

> npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

> npx tailwindcss init -p

Configure your template paths:

Add the paths to all of your template files in your tailwind.config.js file.

  content: [




Add the Tailwind directives to your CSS:

Add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers to your ./src/index.css file.

@tailwind base;

@tailwind components;

@tailwind utilities;

Installing Libraries:

>npm install react-icons react-hot-toast react-router-dom

Add Global styles in "tailwind.config.js" file

Creating your own components...

Create a .env file in the root of your app and add the TMDB API Key (ex: VITE_TMDB_API_KEY=your-key) in that file.

NOTE: Mention .env file in the .gitignore file and add the environmental variable for TMDB API Key in Vercel during deployment.

How to Create ReactJS Project

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